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Text Mining - removePunctuation not removing quotes and dashes

I have been doing some text mining. I created the DTM matrix using the following steps.



                           control = list(removePunctuation = TRUE, 
                                          removeNumbers = TRUE, 
                                            stopwords = TRUE)) 

​After all the run I am still getting words like -quotation, "fun, model"​ , etc in dtm.Also getting blanks like " " in the data

What can I do about it? I do not need this dahses and extra quotations.


  • I'm not sure why DocumentTermMatrix isn't working for you, but you could try using tm_map to pre-process the corpus before transforming it into a dtm. This works for me (Note that I reorder the default stoplist because otherwise it removes the stems of apostrophe words before the entire word, leaving stranded 's'):

    corpus1 <- VCorpus(VectorSource(resume1$dat))
    reorder.stoplist <- c(grep("[']", stopwords('english'), value = TRUE), 
                          stopwords('english')[!(1:length(stopwords('english')) %in% grep("[']", stopwords('english')))])
    corpus1 <- tm_map(corpus1, content_transformer(tolower))
    corpus1 <- tm_map(corpus1, removeWords, reorder.stoplist)
    corpus1 <- tm_map(corpus1, removePunctuation)
    corpus1 <- tm_map(corpus1, removeNumbers)
    corpus1 <- tm_map(corpus1, stripWhitespace)
    corpus1 <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus1)