I am using the Android SDK of parse.com and have arrived at a peculiar problem.
From a fragment's onCreate:
Here is a snippet of the code from the onCreate:
ParseObject myChatGroup = ParseObject.createWithoutData("ChatGroup", "mOJGWRiLPC");
myChatGroup.fetchInBackground(new GetCallback<ParseObject>() {
public void done(ParseObject chatGroup1, ParseException e) {
if (e == null) {
l.d("Fetched chat group: " + chatGroup1 + " from server");
chatGroup1.pinInBackground(new SaveCallback() {
public void done(ParseException e) {
if (e == null) {
l.d("Successfully pinned chat group");
ParseQuery<ParseObject> chatGroupParseQuery = new ParseQuery<>("ChatGroup");
.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>() {
public void done(List<ParseObject> list, ParseException e) {
if (e == null) {
l.d("Found " + list.size() + " chat groups from local datastore");
} else {
} else {
} else {
Here is the log:
Fetched chat group: ChatGroup { objectId: mOJGWRiLPC, name: Admin } from server
Successfully pinned chat group
Found 0 chat groups from local datastore
But this doesn't make any sense! I just pinned an object so how can there be 0 objects in the local datastore. The code is so simple. What am I doing wrong? Could it be a bug with the SDK?
Any insight will be much appreciated I have been trying to find the issue for days now.
The Parse setup looks fine to me:
Parse.initialize(this, AppProps.properties.appId,
which leads me to suspect that something is wrong with my ChatGroup class.ChatGroup
class on the parse.com data browser: name(String) and messages(Relation) with read and wrote access to a role called Admin.ParseObjects
) does contain the row that I pinned. But somehow parse shows 0 results on querying it!I found the issue. It seems to be more like a bug with the Android SDK of parse. I narrowed it down to an issue with retrieving pinned objects with special ACLs using the Android SDK.
Initially, the object had the ACL such that only the role 'Admin' (that I created) can read and write. The funny thing is that the user with which I was testing the pinning and querying was an 'Admin'! But, when I changed the ACL such that public can read but only Admin can write, the problem was resolved!
My theory was that querying the local datastore behaves like a public query, no matter what role the user that is making the query has! But if any other theory explaining this would be appreciated. Luckily, in my case I need public read access, but this bug can be a huge downfall for some who need to have read access restricting ACLs! Hopefully parse.com will fix this issue soon.
This is quite a big issue! I am surprised that I couldn't find a question regarding this issue.