Search code examples

IOS Google Maps skid fit bounds

I have the following code inside a UIViewController's viewDidLoad method. It is within a callback function that is called after fetching a list of places from a remote sever.

            var bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds()

            for place in self.placeCollection.places {

                var position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(place.latitude, place.longitude)
                var marker = GMSMarker(position: position)
                marker.title = place.title;
       = self.mapView;

            if self.placeCollection.places.count > 0 {

The map does not budge and is nowhere near any of the markers, I do not see any errors in the debug panel either. According to the docs this is the correct way to focus the map on a set of markers.


  • bounds.includingCoordinate does not update bounds, instead it returns a new GMSCoordinateBounds containing the new point.

    So, you need something like this:

    bounds = bounds.includingCoordinate(position)