I am trying to recreate MATLAB's hough function with mine. My code follows
function [H,T,R] = my_hough(x,dr,dtheta)
rows = size(x,1);
cols = size(x,2);
D = sqrt((rows - 1)^2 + (cols - 1)^2);
Nr = 2*(ceil(D/dr)) + 1;
diagonal = dr*ceil(D/dr);
R = -diagonal:dr:diagonal;
T = -90:dtheta:90-dtheta;
Ntheta = length(T);
H = zeros(Nr,Ntheta);
for i = 1:Ntheta
for n1 = 1:rows
for n2 = 1:cols
if x(n1,n2)==1
r = n2*cos(T(i)*pi/180) + n1*sin(T(i)*pi/180);
[~,j] = min(abs(R-ones(1,Nr)*r));
H(j,i) = H(j,i) + 1;
where dr
and dtheta
are distance and angle resolution. Printing the difference between my Hough table and MATLAB's there are many zeros, but there are also some non-zero elements. Any idea why this is happening?
Well, actually it was a very silly mistake...
r = n2*cos(T(i)*pi/180) + n1*sin(T(i)*pi/180);
must be
r = (n2-1)*cos(T(i)*pi/180) + (n1-1)*sin(T(i)*pi/180);
Thanks to this weird MATLAB indexing.