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How can the NamedEntityTag be used as EntityMention in RelationMention in the RelationExtractor?

I'm trying to train my own NamedEntityRecognizer and RelationExtractor. I've managed the NER model, but the integration with the RelationExtractor is a bit tricky. I get the right NamedEntityTags, but the RelationMentions found by the are only one-term and with no extra NamedEntity than the default ones. I got input text:

America's President Nixon has passed a new law.

and I got the following output:

[Text=President CharacterOffsetBegin=10 CharacterOffsetEnd=19 PartOfSpeech=NNP Lemma=President NamedEntityTag=PRESIDENT]
[Text=Nixon CharacterOffsetBegin=20 CharacterOffsetEnd=25 PartOfSpeech=NNP Lemma=Nixon NamedEntityTag=PRESIDENT]

Extracted the following MachineReading relation mentions:
RelationMention [type=Live_In, start=0, end=4, {Live_In, 0.3719730539322602; OrgBased_In, 0.22490833335685645; _NR, 0.17474696244295865; Work_For, 0.11754788838692569; Located_In, 0.11082376188099895}
    EntityMention [type=O, objectId=EntityMention-2, hstart=3, hend=4, estart=2, eend=4, headPosition=3, value="Nixon", corefID=-1]
    EntityMention [type=LOCATION, objectId=EntityMention-1, hstart=0, hend=1, estart=0, eend=1, headPosition=0, value="America", corefID=-1]


  • You can match the text from the EntityMention with the NamedEntityText value from the NamedEntityTag.