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Paging data tables in jQuery

I have a table with more the fifty records in it. I want to display them in pages of five records per page. My current approach uses jquery datatables, as shown below.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var length = $('#data-datatable tbody tr').length;
        "bFilter": false,
        "bLengthChange": false,
        "iTotalDisplayRecords" : 5,
        "iTotalRecords":   length

This shows all fifty records in one page! How can I get the display I want please?


  • My assumptions with your question:

    1. You have a html-table, that is being populated from the context having all 50 rows.
    2. Now you want to do pagination for those elements.

    Here, I'm going to show some approaches:

    1. Think about Django Pagination . You context variable will do the pagination.
    2. Use Django-datatable-view . It directly works with jquery-datatable.