I found this function on the internet:
public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, int lpBaseAddress, byte[] buffer, int size, int lpNumberOfBytesRead);
public static int ReadAddress(string Process_Name, string Address_Offsets)
Process[] P;
if ((P = Process.GetProcessesByName(Process_Name)).Length == 0) return -1;
int Addy = -1;
while (Address_Offsets.Contains(" "))
Address_Offsets = Address_Offsets.Replace(" ", " ");
int Index = -1;
while ((Index = Address_Offsets.IndexOf("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) != -1)
Address_Offsets = Address_Offsets.Replace(Address_Offsets.Substring(Index, 2), "");
string[] tmp = Address_Offsets.Split(' ');
if (tmp[0].Contains("+"))
string[] AD = tmp[0].Split('+');
foreach (ProcessModule M in P[0].Modules)
if (M.ModuleName.ToLower() == AD[0].ToLower())
Addy = M.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + int.Parse(AD[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else Addy = int.Parse(tmp[0], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
if (tmp.Length == 1) return Addy;
byte[] buff = new byte[4];
ReadProcessMemory(P[0].Handle, Addy, buff, 4, 0);
Addy = BitConverter.ToInt32(buff, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < tmp.Length; i++)
int Off = int.Parse(tmp[i], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
ReadProcessMemory(P[0].Handle, Addy + Off, buff, 4, 0);
Addy = i != (tmp.Length - 1) ? BitConverter.ToInt32(buff, 0) : Addy += Off;
return Addy;
I is used like:
ReadAddress("solitaire", "solitaire.exe+97074 2c 10");
This function works good for reading integers. But I want to read floats. Someone told me, that I have to do
ReadProcessMemory(P[0].Handle, Addy, buff, 4, 0); // after you dereference all pointers and get the final "desired" value.
Addy = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0); // ToSingle converts value to float.
But I do not understand where to put his suggested code in the function. Can someone help me pls? thx in advance :D.
int dataRead = ReadAddress("solitaire", "solitaire.exe+97074 2c 10");
Gives you (hopefully) 4 bytes in an int
After you've read this int
, you need to convert it to float, which means
byte[] bytesOfTheNumber = BitConverter.GetBytes(dataRead);
converting the integer number into a byte array first, and then
float theFloatYouWant = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytesOfTheNumber, 0);
using that byte array for getting a float