if I work on a matplotlib
inline plot in an ipython notebook like this:
figure = plt.figure()
ax = figure.gca(projection="3d")
graph = np.empty([len(thetaYield),3])
for g, tY in zip(graph, thetaYield):
sample = HWtoPS(xiYield, rhoYield, tY)
g[...] = sample[:]
ax.plot(graph[:,0],graph[:,1], graph[:,2])
the plot is drawn inline in my notebook as it intended.
Now I want to add to add some data to this plot:
principalStress, vectors = eig(sigma)
ax.scatter(principalStress[0], principalStress[1], principalStress[2])
no error, but also no plot is drawn.
I expected to get an "updated" version of my plot with the additional data.
How can this be done?
RendererCurrently, this cannot be done for the IPython
"inline" graphs, however, if you opt to change a Renderer
part of the matplotlib
framework, to another one, the limitation of a singleton call of the .show()
method does not hurt and you can ex post modify the object's content and it gets re-processed by the Renderer
add a directive ( IPython magic) %matplotlib qt
use additional matplotlib
calls as you expect 'em to modify/update the figure
( I love using this both during prototyping phases & for interactive 3D-viewing of complex data visualisations (which I heavily miss in notebook's "inline"s) )
BTW: do you have about any methodology, which would allow to store a
3D-view plot, as a complete, state-full container, that can be sent to some other user for her/his "load" and UI-interactive review? Would be great to hear about any such working :o)