I don't know what the problem is because this works perfectly for SIN and COS. For TAN, it returns 0.0000 for 50.0 radian. But if I enabled the commented line, it works as expected. That's weird because TAN is supposed to return a double in XMM0, not RAX.
;./fasm testing.asm
;gcc -s testing.o -o testing -lm
format elf64
extrn printf
extrn tan
section '.data' writeable align 16
rad dq 50.0
fmt db "%.5lf",0ah,0
section '.text' executable align 16
public main
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
pxor xmm0,xmm0
movq xmm0,[rad]
call tan
;movq rax,xmm0 ;works if I enable this. but SIN and COS don't need this
mov rdi,fmt
call printf
mov rsp,rbp
pop rbp
What could be the problem here?
When calling any function in x86-64 assembly, AL
must contain the number of registers used. It's the convention, you can't avoid it.
Variable-argument subroutines require a value in
for the number of vector registers used.
is a temporary register; with variable arguments passes information about the number of vector registers used; 1st return register.
You can consult the System V Application Binary Interface, chapter 3.2.3 Parameter Passing.
Therefore, you need to specify the number of parameters you use in rax
movq rax, 1
should suffice.