How do I force ol3 to render every single point in a geometry?
I'm having an issue with openlayers 3, where although I'm plotting a line string with 3000 points over a distance of maybe 100m, only about 1000 are rendering.
EDIT: Now - Openlayers 3 v.3.7.0
Zooming in far enough on a set of points in openlayers 3 reveals that only a few points are drawn, in a grid pattern. I would like to zoom in to see a hundred points drawn slightly offset from each other in a centimeter or millimeter scale map.
Is this possible with openlayers 3?
The renderer will simplify your geometries. Stride is basically if you have 2, 3 or 4 values in a coordinate, so e.g. XY, XYZ, XYZM.
You will want to look at changing the ol.SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE but you'll need to create a custom build and change the define as far as I can see (
* @define {number} Tolerance for geometry simplification in device pixels.
Try setting it to 0 or negative.