Search code examples

Why can't I query directly on jsonb_array_elements?

I have data stored as jsonb in a column called "data":

{'people': [{"name": "Bob", "Occupation": "janitor"}, {"name": "Susan", "Occupation", "CEO"}]}

I can query this via:

SELECT FROM mydata, jsonb_array_elements(>'people') AS a WHERE (a->>'name') = 'bob' 

Why can't I substitute "a" for the jsonb_array_elements(...)?:

SELECT FROM mydata WHERE (jsonb_array_elements(>'people')->>'name') = 'bob' 

Instead, I get the following:

ERROR:  argument of WHERE must not return a set


  • As the error message says, arguments to WHERE must not return a set. jsonb_array_elements returns a set and it can't be compared to a single value. In the second query you have a cross join inside the select and that converts it into a suitable result to use WHERE on.

    You can also do it this way

    SELECT FROM mydata
      WHERE 'Bob' in (SELECT jsonb_array_elements(>'people')->>'name');

    Here the subselect will allow you to use the IN operator to find the desired value since the result is no longer a set.

    Another way is to query the jsonb directly

    SELECT FROM mydata
      WHERE>'people' @> '[{"name":"Bob"}]'::jsonb;

    This way you don't need to convert the jsonb into a resultset and search within it.