I have a cell array of strings, I want to detect the num of times the string changes and get the indxs for the changes. Given Matlab's cellfun function, I am trying to use it instead of looping. Here is all the code. I appreciate you time, feedback, and comments.
% Cell Array Example
names(11:15)={'J1 - 1'};
names(16:22)={'J1 - 2'};
names(23:27)={'J2 - 1'};
% My cellfun code
cellfun(@(x,y) strcmp(x,y), names(1:2:end),names(2:2:end));
My expected result is a vector of length 27 (length(names)-1), where there are 4 zeros in the vector indicating the strcmp func found 4 cases where the comparison was not equal.
The actual result is a vector of length 14 and has only 2 zeros. I'd really appreciate an explanation, why this unexpected result is occurring.
Thank You
The answer provided by Matt correctly shows the issue with your code. However, you can use strcmp directly because it accepts two cell array of strings as input
>> strcmp(names(1:end-1), names(2:end))
ans =
Columns 1 through 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Columns 15 through 27
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0