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Can't load a manifest resource with GetManifestResourceStream()

I've created a custom configuration section using XSD. In order to parse the config file that follows this new schema, I load the resource (my .xsd file) with this:

public partial class MonitoringConfiguration
        public const string ConfigXsd = "MonitoringAPI.Configuration.MonitoringConfiguration.xsd";
        public const string ConfigSchema = "urn:MonitoringConfiguration-1.0";

        private static XmlSchemaSet xmlSchemaSet;

        static MonitoringConfiguration()
            xmlSchemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();
            Stream xsdStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(ConfigXsd);
            XmlReader schemaReader = XmlReader.Create(xsdStream);
            xmlSchemaSet.Add(ConfigSchema, schemaReader);


By the way my resource is: MonitoringConfiguration.xsd. And the namespace of the other partial class (that represents the code behind of the .xsd file) is MonitoringAPI.Configuration.

The problem is situated here:

 Stream xsdStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(ConfigXsd);

The xsdStream is null, so I guess the resource can't be found! But why?

Thank you


  • The name of the resource is always:

    <Base namespace>.<RelativePathInProject>.<FileName>

    So if your resource is located in "Resources/Xsd/", and your default project namespace is "MonitoringAPI.Configuration", the resource name is:


    Also make sure the build action for your resource is set to "Embedded Resource"