I have the following dictionary:
StudentGrades = {
'Ivan': [4.32, 3, 2],
'Martin': [3.45, 5, 6],
'Stoyan': [2, 5.67, 4],
'Vladimir': [5.63, 4.67, 6]
I want to make a function that prints the average of the grades of the students, i.e. the average of the values
This answer was intended for Python2, which is now dead
Okay, so let's iterate over all dictionary keys and average the items:
avgDict = {}
for k,v in StudentGrades.iteritems():
# v is the list of grades for student k
avgDict[k] = sum(v)/ float(len(v))
In Python3, the
method is no longer necessary, can useitems()
now you can just see :
{'Ivan': 3.106666666666667,
'Martin': 4.816666666666666,
'Stoyan': 3.89,
'Vladimir': 5.433333333333334}
From your question I think you're queasy about iteration over dicts, so here is the same with output as a list :
avgList = []
for k,v in StudentGrades.iteritems():
# v is the list of grades for student k
avgDict.append(sum(v)/ float(len(v)))
Be careful though : the order of items in a dictionary is NOT guaranteed; this is, the order of key/values when printing or iterating on the dictionary is not guaranteed (as dicts are "unsorted"). Looping over the same identical dictionary object(with no additions/removals) twice is guaranteed to behave identically though.