I am building a parser and generator for dates and times. In an ordinary programming language these would be written separately. In Prolog+CLP(FD) I can write 1 predicate that does both :-)
In my use case it often makes sense to parse a number of digits and convert the to an integer, or to generate a number of digits based on a given integer.
My problem is that clpfd:run_propagator/2
is not called when individual digits are instantiated, despite my declarations using clpfd:init_propagator/2
. Is there a way to do this or am I making a mistake in my definition of clpfd_digits/2
Code implemented in SWI-Prolog:
:- use_module(library(apply)).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- multifile(clpfd:run_propagator/2).
day(D) --> {clpfd_digits(D, [D1,D2])}, digit(D1), digit(D2).
digit(D) --> [C], {code_type(C, digit(D))}.
clpfd_digits(N, Ds):-
clpfd:make_propagator(clpfd_digits(N, Ds), Prop),
clpfd:init_propagator(N, Prop),
clpfd:init_propagator(Ds, Prop),
member(D, Ds),
clpfd:init_propagator(D, Prop)
clpfd:run_propagator(clpfd_digits(N, Ds), MState):-
( maplist(is_digit0, Ds)
-> clpfd:kill(MState),
digits_to_nonneg(Ds, N)
; integer(N)
-> clpfd:kill(MState),
nonneg_to_digits(N, Ds)
; true
digits_to_nonneg([], 0):- !.
digits_to_nonneg(Ds, N):-
maplist(char_weight, Chars, Ds),
number_chars(N, Chars).
char_weight(Char, D):-
char_type(Char, digit(D)).
nonneg_to_digits(0, []):- !.
nonneg_to_digits(N, Ds):-
atom_chars(N, Chars),
maplist(char_weight, Chars, Ds).
is_digit0(D):- integer(D), between(0, 9, D).
Example of use:
?- string_codes("12", Cs), phrase(day(D), Cs).
Cs = [49, 50],
clpfd_digits(D, [1, 2]).
As you can see the constraint is not calculated to derive at the value of D
+1 for using CLP(FD) constraints for this task!
and constraints do not mix very well, since backtracking revokes posted constraints.
Your example works as expected with:
flip_init(Prop, D) :- clpfd:init_propagator(D, Prop).
and using maplist(flip_init(Prop), Ds)
instead of forall/2
The next problem is then that digits_to_nonneg([1,2], N)
simply fails, but this is unrelated to the actual constraint triggering, which happens as expected. (By the way: Using constraints, you may be able to simplify the code so that you can use a single predicate in both directions.)
Also, you can use in/2
instead of between/3
: D in 0..9
. This is often useful if you want to use it as a constraint instead of just a test.