I have a need to send automated emails based on Sharepoint list. I am able to retrieve the response and have code to send emails. But the email message body needs to be dynamic and need response date to be grouped. I am thinking of converting service response to represented as hashmap and use that hashmap to send targeted emails. Below is the sample of service response:
<rs:data ItemCount="10">
<z:row ows_Owner='1111@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story1' ows_Program='Program1' />
<z:row ows_Owner='1111@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story2' ows_Program='Program1' />
<z:row ows_Owner='1111@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story3' ows_Program='Program2' />
<z:row ows_Owner='1111@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story4' ows_Program='Program2' />
<z:row ows_Owner='2222@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story5' ows_Program='Program1' />
<z:row ows_Owner='2222@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story6' ows_Program='Program1' />
<z:row ows_Owner='2222@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story7' ows_Program='Program1' />
<z:row ows_Owner='2222@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story8' ows_Program='Program2' />
<z:row ows_Owner='2222@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story9' ows_Program='Program2' />
<z:row ows_Owner='2222@xxx.com' ows_Stories='Story10' ows_Program='Program2' />
What would be the best way to group and iterate the above data using powershell to send an email with body containing message with 'Stories' grouped by 'Program'. For ex: email sent to to '1111@xxx.com' will have message body as:
Update: Here is the pseudo code to better explain my requirement -
select unique $owners from rs:row
foreach $owner in $owners
{ $messageBody =""
foreach $program in rs:row where ows_owner=$owner
$messageBody += $program "<br />
foreach $story in rs:row where ows_owner=$owner and ows_program=$program
$messageBody += $story "<br />
sendmail $owner, $messageBody
Just need code to easily achieve this in powershell especially filtering the data based on 'owner' and 'program' attributes
I would create custom PowerShell objects from the <row>
nodes and then use Group-Object
for grouping them by program:
[xml]$xml = Get-Content 'C:\path\to\input.xml'
$nsm = New-Object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable)
$nsm.AddNamespace('rs', 'http://...') # replace with correct namespace URI
$xml.SelectSingleNode('//rs:data', $nsm) | select -Expand row | % {
New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property @{
Program = $_.ows_Program
Story = $_.ows_Stories
} | group Program | select Name, @{n='Stories';e={$_.Group.Story}}
If grouping is not an option you could build a data structure of nested hashtables like this:
$data = @{}
$xml.SelectSingleNode('//rs:data', $nsm) | select -Expand row | % {
New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property @{
Owner = $_.ows_Owner
Program = $_.ows_Program
Story = $_.ows_Stories
} | % {
if (-not $data.Contains($_.Owner)) {
$data[$_.Owner] = @{ $_.Program = @() }
} elseif (-not $data[$_.Owner].Contains($_.Program)) {
$data[$_.Owner][$_.Program] = @()
$data[$_.Owner][$_.Program] += $_.Story