I'm trying to use async eachSeries
in order to code what's the report count for every category. Categories and Reports and stored in separate collections, then I first get available categories and perform a count search on them.
This is my code:
Category.find({},{_id:0, name: 1}, function (err, foundCategories) {
function (item,callback) {
Report.count({category: item.name}, function (err,count) {
var name = item.name;
return callback(null,{name: count});
,function (err, results) {
if (err)
The problem is that I'm receiving nothing, the console.log
outputs actual numbers there, what am I doing wrong?
The API of eachSeries
does not provide any results to the final callback - only an error in the failure case. In the success case, it's just a pure control flow "eachSeries is done" indicator, but does not provide a mechanism for passing values from the worker function. mapSeries does provide the functionality you need.