Search code examples

Manage with limit and offset in php

I am currently developing a web application that will find artists and their associates titles. To do this, I decided to parse the API MusicBrainz, through this package (which documentation is here).

Suppose I already have the artist mbid (unique identifier for MusicBrainz).

The problem is that if I do a search on David Guetta (mbid = 302bd7b9-d012-4360-897a-93b00c855680) for example, the script tells me that the number of releases is 196. However, the API provides 100 maximum results per request.

// Instantiate a MusicBrainz object
$brainz = new MusicBrainz(new GuzzleHttpAdapter(new Client()));
$brainz->setUserAgent('ApplicationName', '0.2', '');

$limit = 100;
$offset = 0;

$includes = array('labels', 'recordings');
try {
  $details = $brainz->browseRelease('artist', '302bd7b9-d012-4360-897a-93b00c855680', $includes, $limit, $offset);
} catch (Exception $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

The function browseRelease below allows us to define such parameters as limit and offset.

public function browseRelease($entity, $mbid, $includes = array(), $limit = 25, $offset = null, $releaseType = array(), $releaseStatus = array())
  if (!in_array($entity, array('artist', 'label', 'recording', 'release-group'))) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid browse entity for release');
  return $this->browse(
    new Filters\ReleaseFilter(array()),

Now we come to my real question in this post.

If I defined $limit = 100 and $offset = 0 for the first query, I don't understand how to change these values depending on the number of total releases, and thus get the results that are between 100 and 196 (in this example).


  • The pseudo code answer from Jordumus is correct, but this is how you have to modify your code to make it work.

    $limit = 100;
    $offset = 0;
    $release_count = 0;
    $includes = array('labels', 'recordings');
    do {
      if ($offset != 0) sleep(1);
      try {
        $details = $brainz->browseRelease('artist', '302bd7b9-d012-4360-897a-93b00c855680', $includes, $limit, $offset);
        $release_count = $details['release-count'];
      } catch (Exception $e) {
        print $e->getMessage();
      $offset += $limit;
    } while ($offset < $release_count);

    Note that it would be enough to set $release_count the first time, since the value doesn't change, but resetting it also doesn't hurt.

    I added a sleep in there because of the required rate limiting which doesn't seem to be implemented in the PHP library.