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How to profile my code?

I want to know how to profile my code.

I have gone through the docs, but as there were no examples given I could not get anything from it.

I have a large code and it is taking so much time, hence I want to profile and increase its speed. I havent written my code in method, there are few in between but not completely. I don't have any main in my code. I want to know how to use profiling. I'm looking for some example or sample code of about how to profile.

I tried psyco, i.e just addded two lines at the top of my code:

import psyco

Is this right? It did not show any improvement. Any other way of speeding up, please suggest.


  • The standard answer to this question is to use cProfile.

    You'll find though that without having your code separated out into methods that cProfile won't give you particularly rich information.

    Instead, you might like to try what another poster here calls Monte Carlo Profiling. To quote from another answer:

    If you're in a hurry and you can manually interrupt your program under the debugger while it's being subjectively slow, there's a simple way to find performance problems.

    Just halt it several times, and each time look at the call stack. If there is some code that is wasting some percentage of the time, 20% or 50% or whatever, that is the probability that you will catch it in the act on each sample. So that is roughly the percentage of samples on which you will see it. There is no educated guesswork required. If you do have a guess as to what the problem is, this will prove or disprove it.

    You may have multiple performance problems of different sizes. If you clean out any one of them, the remaining ones will take a larger percentage, and be easier to spot, on subsequent passes.

    Caveat: programmers tend to be skeptical of this technique unless they've used it themselves. They will say that profilers give you this information, but that is only true if they sample the entire call stack. Call graphs don't give you the same information, because 1) they don't summarize at the instruction level, and 2) they give confusing summaries in the presence of recursion. They will also say it only works on toy programs, when actually it works on any program, and it seems to work better on bigger programs, because they tend to have more problems to find [emphasis added].

    It's not orthodox, but I've used it very successfully in a project where profiling using cProfile was not giving me useful output.

    The best thing about it is that this is dead easy to do in Python. Simply run your Python script in the interpreter, press [Control-C], note the traceback and repeat a number of times.