I have a flat multi-project configuration like this:
contains build.gradle
looks like this:
allprojects {
task gitPull(type: Exec) {
description 'Pulls git.'
commandLine "git", "pull"
project(':projA') {
project(':projB') {
project(':projC') {
When I run gradle gitPull
from the build_scripts
directory then I want
gradle to execute git pull
in directories of projA
, projB
and projC
(and nowhere else).
However, since gralde treats build_scripts
as the root project, it executes git pull
there as well - which fails because it is not a git repository (or even if it is, I would not want to execute git pull
on it while building the project)
In general, I don't want the build_scripts
folder i.e. the root project to participate in any build related activity.
How do I exclude the root project from been acted upon by tasks specified in allProjects
From Gradle turorials:
In this example you can see how configure
filters out the project tropicalFish
from executing the task hello
Example 56.8. Adding custom behaviour to some projects (filtered by project name)
Note: The code for this example can be found at samples/userguide/multiproject/addTropical/water in the ‘-all’ distribution of Gradle.
include 'bluewhale', 'krill','tropicalFish'
allprojects {
task hello << {task -> println "I'm $task.project.name" }
subprojects {
hello << {println "- I depend on water"}
configure(subprojects.findAll {it.name != 'tropicalFish'}) {
hello << {println '- I love to spend time in the arctic waters.'}