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Type error calling select Standard ML

I'm trying to call to deal with some sockets. It seems like the following minimal snippet from my code should work...

fun descs ss = map Socket.sockDesc ss

fun selecting server clients =
    let val { ss, ws, cs } = {
        rds = descs [server],
        wds = descs [],
        exs = descs clients,
        timeout = (SOME (Time.fromSeconds 10))
    (ss, ws, cs)

... but doesn't when I evaluate it in SML/NJ:

Standard ML of New Jersey v110.76 [built: Thu Feb 19 00:37:13 2015]
- fun descs ss = map Socket.sockDesc ss ;;
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/ is stable]
[autoloading done]
val descs = fn : ('a,'b) Socket.sock list -> Socket.sock_desc list
- fun selecting server clients =
    let val { ss, ws, cs } = {
        rds = descs [server],
        wds = descs [],
        exs = descs clients,
        timeout = (SOME (Time.fromSeconds 10))
    (ss, ws, cs)
    end ;;
= = = = = = = = = [autoloading]
[autoloading done]
stdIn:3.13-8.7 Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
  operator domain: {exs:Socket.sock_desc list, rds:Socket.sock_desc list,
                    timeout:Time.time option, wrs:Socket.sock_desc list}
  operand:         {exs:Socket.sock_desc list, rds:Socket.sock_desc list,
                    timeout:Time.time option, wds:Socket.sock_desc list}
  in expression:
      {rds=descs (server :: nil),wds=descs nil,exs=descs clients,
       timeout=SOME (Time.fromSeconds 10)}

Could anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?


  • (Thanks to bgates from #sml for pointing me in the right direction here)

    Two problems with the above. Firstly, I had a typo in the constructor name in the call to

     rds = descs [server],
     wrs = descs [],  (* `wrs` instead of `wds` here *)
     exs = descs clients,

    Secondly, when pattern-matching on records, you must use the slot-names of the record rather than arbitrary symbols. So

        let val { ss, ws, cs } = {

    should actually be

        let val { rds, wrs, exs } = {

    With those changes...

    Standard ML of New Jersey v110.76 [built: Thu Feb 19 00:37:13 2015]
    - fun descs ss = map Socket.sockDesc ss ;;
    [library $SMLNJ-BASIS/ is stable]
    [autoloading done]
    val descs = fn : ('a,'b) Socket.sock list -> Socket.sock_desc list
    - fun selecting server clients =
        let val { rds, exs, wrs } = {
            rds = descs [server],
            wrs = descs [],
            exs = descs clients,
            timeout = (SOME (Time.fromSeconds 10))
        (rds, wrs, exs)
        end ;;
    = = = = = = = = = [autoloading]
    [autoloading done]
    val selecting = fn
      : ('a,'b) Socket.sock
        -> ('c,'d) Socket.sock list
           -> Socket.sock_desc list * Socket.sock_desc list * 
              Socket.sock_desc list