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Doubts on the correctness of Microsoft Azure Multimedia Services REST API

The Azure API claims to be a REST API. I found it while for patterns and sample implementations and verbs in REST, when inspecting it in their (supposedly) REST API reference, they seem to have invented a new verb CancelJob and altering internal state via an HTTP GET


This seems to contradict best practices, shall it be implemented with a Jobs resource and DELETE or is it correct to do it that way too?


Or even?



  • REST has become a buzz word that people use for any API that works over HTTP. This API appears to be what some people would call REST level 1. Level 1 means that you use HTTP as a transport mechanism only. It doesn't respect any of the REST constraints that HTTP is designed for. I don't think it's fair to call these APIs REST at all, but many still do because REST is popular and business/marketing people what to be able to say they have a REST API. I suspect that this is the case with this API because the architect(s) of this API clearly put no effort whatsoever into following REST principles.