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Logback TCP syslog conforming RFC 5424

I'm trying, with logback, to send logging messages in a remote syslog, using TCP, and conforming to RFC 5424.

As far as I understand, logback default's syslog appender only handles UDP. So far I've found a logback-syslog4j library on github which handles TCP. But it doesn't seem configurable enough to send RFC 5424 compliant messages.

Is there a configuration / a library I overlooked, or should I code my own implementation?


  • After a few days of research, my best conclusion is that I should use log4j 2 instead.

    Indeed, for the two features I was looking for (TCP and RFC 5424), a patch has already been proposed... 6 years ago! But it has never been integrated into master. (also, I tried to gather more info on the dev mailing list, but never get any reply yet.)

    On the other hand, log4j 2 already has those features; and as far as I can see, their community seems very reactive.