Just wanted to know if anyone has ever seen this error when setting up Adobe Tag Manager Direct Call Routes. Direct call rule "DCTEST" not found.
I've logged created a new direct call rule named it DC TEST
In the conditions section named it DCTEST
In Adobe Analytic selected -> s.t(); - increment a pageview
Then in Javascript selected Non-Sequential and created a javascript script and added window.alert("DC Fired")
Then in my localhost called _satellite.track("DCTEST");
I get the error: SATELLITE: Direct call Rule "DCTEST" not found
Event based tracking works and datalayer is populated as expected but when creating a direct call rule it doesn't seem to find what I've set up?
Followed the adobe video but still no luck?
Any ideas?
Can anyone get the video to tutorial to work?
That error message is output when
a) The direct call rule doesn't exist
b) The direct call rule isn't published and you are in published/live mode (which is effectively the same thing as (a), in principle)
If you are using the production tag, you can put it into staging/debug mode by entering the following into your js console:
You can make a browser bookmark out of it like so:
Then you can just press a bookmark button to put it into staging/debug mode.
Also there is an Adobe DTM Switch browser plugin which basically does the same thing (though it doesn't reload the page when you flip switches, so you still have to do that for it to take effect).