I've three domain classess:
class Cafee {
String cafeeName
static hasMany = [halls: HallsZones]
static constraints = {
halls nullable: true
class HallsZones {
String hallName
static scaffold = true
static hasMany = [table : TablePlacesInfo]
static belongsTo = [cafee : Cafee]
static constraints = {
table nullable: true
cafee nullable: true
class TablePlacesInfo {
int placesInTableAmount
int tableAmount
int tableForReservationAmount
int placeCost
String currencyType
static scaffold = true
static belongsTo = [hall: HallsZones]
static constraints = {
hall nullable: true
As you can see, classess are connected with each other as via chain:
I want to get TablePlaces info, which has HallsZones as parent which in turn has a Cafee as parent. I know how to search by parent, for example:
def table = TablePlacesInfo.findWhere(hall : params['hallsAvailable'], placesInTableAmount : Integer.parseInt(params['tablePlacesAvailable']))
But how to search by grandparent too?
Using where
TablePlacesInfo.where {
hall {
cafee {
// criteria matching grand parent
id == 1L // for example
Using Criteria
TablePlacesInfo.withCriteria {
hall {
cafee {
// criteria matching grand parent
idEq 1L // for example
Using hql
"""select tpi from TablePlacesInfo as tpi
inner join tpi.hall as hall
inner join hall.cafee as caf
where caf.id = 1"""
Choosing a DetachedCriteria
or where
would be a sound approach instead of dynamic finders.