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How to declare custom error exchange for each consumer in EasyNetQ?

I have four consumer when error occured message publishing to default EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue is it possible to each queue consumer write own error exchange

For example;

Queue Name : A    ErrorExchange :A_ErrorExchange
Queue Name : B    ErrorExchange :B_ErrorExchange

bus.Advanced.Conventions.ErrorExchangeNamingConvention = new ErrorExchangeNameConvention(info => "A_DeadLetter");

bus.Advanced.Conventions.ErrorExchangeNamingConvention = new ErrorExchangeNameConvention(info2 => "B_DeadLetter");


  • From the code you've provided, it looks like you're almost there -- you just need to override ErrorExchangeNamingConvention and ErrorQueueNamingConvention appropriately.

    As an example, here's a method that will return an instance of IBus with these conventions overridden to incorporate the specified consumer name:

    public IBus CreateBus(string connectionString, string consumerName) 
        var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus(connectionString);
        // Modify the following to create your error exchange name appropriately
        bus.Advanced.Container.Resolve<IConventions>().ErrorExchangeNamingConvention = 
            info => consumerName + "_ErrorExchange";
        // Modify the following to create your error queue name appropriately
        bus.Advanced.Container.Resolve<IConventions>().ErrorQueueNamingConvention = 
            () => consumerName + "_ErrorQueue";
        return bus;