I have this
var result = general.GetInformation(int.Parse(ID), F_account, F_Info, Types);
this GetInformation is my Entity.Getinformation class.. when I am trying to assign result globly I am getting Cannot Assign to implicit typed local variable?
var result = ?
what should I assign in global?
When you say "assign result globally", do you mean using it as a class variable?
class SomeClass {
var result = general.GetInformation(int.Parse(ID), F_account, F_Info, Types);
In that case, you can't use var and you would have to use whatever Type GetInformation returns, for example
string result = general.GetInformation(int.Parse(ID), F_account, F_Info, Types);
Entity result = general.GetInformation(int.Parse(ID), F_account, F_Info, Types);