It seems most intuitive that .rdata files might be the fasted file format for R to load, but when scanning some of the stack posts it seems that more attention has been on enhancing load times for .csv or other formats. Is there a definitive answer?
Not a definitive answer, but below are times it took to load the same dataframe read in as a .tab
file with utils::read.delim()
, readr::read_tsv()
, data.table::fread()
and as a binary .RData
file timed using the system.time()
with utils::read.delim
# user system elapsed
# 52.279 0.146 52.465
with readr::read_tsv
# user system elapsed
# 23.417 0.839 24.275
with data.table::fread
At @Roman 's request the same ~500MB file loaded in a blistering 3 seconds:
# Read 49739 rows and 3005 (of 3005) columns from 0.400 GB file in 00:00:04
# user system elapsed
# 3.078 0.092 3.172
binary file of the same dataframesystem.time(
# user system elapsed
# 2.181 0.028 2.210
Clearly not definitive (sample size = 1!) but in my case with a 500MB data frame:
is quickestdata.frame::fread()
is a close secondreadr::read_tsv
is an order of magnitude slowerutils::read.x
is slowest and only half as fast as readr