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Is it possible to put myBatis (iBatis) xml mappers outside the project?

According to the user guide i am able to use file path instead of resource:

// Using classpath relative resources
    <mapper resource="org/mybatis/builder/AuthorMapper.xml"/>

// Using url fully qualified paths
    <mapper url="file:///var/sqlmaps/AuthorMapper.xml"/>

in my project I'm trying to put my mapper xml "outside" the project and i'm doing this:

<mapper url="file://D:/Mappers/ComponentMapper1.xml" /> 

The output of my log4j console:

Error building SqlSession. 
The error may exist in file://D:/Mappers/ComponentMapper1.xml 
Cause: org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: Error parsing 
SQL Mapper Configuration. Cause: D 

Is it bug or it's me doing something wrong?


  • You just need an additional forward slash before the drive letter.