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Dir function in VB6 - Error 5

I have an issue with the Dir function.

Private Sub InitFileElvt()
    Dim fileName As String
    Dim find As Boolean
    Dim trouve As Boolean
    trouve = False
    fileName = Dir(THEORIQUE & "\" & LibPie & CftMot & _ 
               Mid(NoPlan, 13, 1) & Mid(VERPIE, 1, 1) & "\") 'It works here
    Do While fileName > "" And Not trouve
        If IsElvtFile(fileName) Then
            trouve = True
            pathFileElvt = THEORIQUE & "\" & fileName
        End If
        fileName = Dir() 'An error here
    If Not trouve Then
        pathFileElvt = "empty"
    End If
End Sub

Private Function IsElvtFile(ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean 
    Dim lengthDeb As Integer
    lengthDeb = Len(LibPie) + Len(CftMot) + 1
    IsElvtFile = Left(fileName, lengthDeb) = LibPie + CftMot + Mid(NoPlan, 13, 1) And _
                 Right(fileName, 4) = ".ELV"
End Function

The first call to Dir give me a file from the folder. Good. But the second call give me Run-Time Error '5': Invalid Procedure Call or Argument

What i'm missing about the Dir Function? Apparently, that's how it have to be used.

When i'm in debug mode, in the line Do While fileName > "" And Not trouve, my watch on dir returns the next file. After this line is executed, my watch shows the error.


  • There was other watch in Dir(otherPath)... I've removed them and now it works