I have a controller I'm testing with Ember CLI, but the controller's promise will not resolve, as the controller's transitionToRoute
method is returning null
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transitionToRoute' of null
success: (response) ->
# ...
attemptedTransition = @get("attemptedTransition")
if attemptedTransition
@set "attemptedTransition", null
@transitionToRoute "dashboard"
`import {test, moduleFor} from "ember-qunit"`
moduleFor "controller:login", "LoginController", {
# Replace this with your real tests.
test "it exists", ->
controller = @subject()
ok controller
Test whether the authentication token is passed back in JSON response, with `token`
test "obtains authentication token", ->
expect 2
workingLogin = {
username: "user@pass.com",
password: "pass"
controller = @subject()
username: "user@pass.com",
password: "pass"
token = controller.get("token")
ok(controller.get("token") isnt null)
equal(controller.get("token").length, 64)
When the line @transitionToRoute("dashboard")
is removed, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails.
How can I fix this error, while still maintaining my controller logic?
Work around: bypass transitionToRoute
if target
is null
. Something like:
if (this.get('target')) {
I ran into the same error and dug into Ember source code a little bit. In my case this error is thrown by ControllerMixin
because get(this, 'target')
is null
at this line. The test module probably has no idea what target
should be in a controller unit test like this without further context, so you may need to manually set it or just bypass it.