I am writing a script on Roblox and K encountered a problem.
function showVictoryMessage(playerName)
local message = Instance.new("Message")
message.Text = playerName .." has won!"
message.Parent = game.Workspace
wait (2)
Upon running this function, or more specifically the message.Destroy
command, I get the error:
Error in script: '=' expected near '< eof >'
I have never seen this error before, and the Roblox wiki page on Lua errors doesn't mention it.
I would very much appreciate help in this, because I don't personally know anyone who has coded in Lua.
Looks like a syntax error. message.Destroy()
should be message:Destroy()
according to this Roblox wiki page http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=API:Class/Instance/Destroy
Also see the section Explosions, Messages, and More at URL http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Basic_Scripting which provides similar syntax using the colon (:) operator.
See also Difference between . and : in Lua and explanation of "possible side-effects of calculations/access are calculated only once" with colon notation.