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Can anyone explain what es7 reflect-metadata is all about?

Been studying ES6, JSPM & angular2 for a week now and I found this repo ES6-loader

if we look at the index.html at the bottom script you'll see

  .then(function() {
    return System.import('app/index');

This is using JSPM's systemjs polyfill to get ES6's import.

Question: What is the reflect-metadata really do in this situation? npm reflect-meta The more I read the documentation, the less I understand what it does?


  • 'reflect-metadata' is a package that is a proposal for ES7. It allow for meta data to be included to a class or function; essentially it is syntax sugar.

    Example. Angular 2 ES6:

    @Component({selector: "thingy"})
    @View({template: "<div><h1>Hello everyone</h1></div>"})
    class Thingy{};

    As you can see there are no semicolons after @Component and @View. This is because they are essentially Chains of (meta)data on the class.

    Now lets look at that same code in Angular 2 but in ES5:

    function Thingy(){}
    Thingy.annotations = [
        new angular.ComponentAnnotation({
            selector: "thingy"
        new angular.ViewAnnotation({
            template: "<div><h1>Hello everyone</h1></div>"

    As you can see the @ symbol abstracts out alot of the annotations property of a class and makes it More D.R.Y.

    Taking this one step further Angular team knows that annotations are a bit abstract for the new user. Moreover, the ES5 is just too verbose. which is why they made a.js which will make interfacing with annotations better:

    Video to understand this