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Task mixed in a signal

I would like to send a message to mailbox inline with a signal.

module Main where

import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import Html             exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes  exposing (..)
import Html.Extra       exposing (..)
import Signal

import Model.PickList   exposing (pickList)
import Model.BabyName.Debug as Debug

headerPane : Html
headerPane =
  header [ id "header" ]
  [ text "header" ]

leftPane : Signal Html
leftPane = flip (.signal pickList) <| \pl ->
  ul []
  [ li []
    [ fromElement << show <| pl ] ]

mainPane : Html
mainPane =
  section [ id "main" ]
  [ text "what? what?" ]

layout : Signal Html
layout = flip leftPane <| \lp ->

  div [ id "wrapper" ] <|
  [ headerPane
  , lp
  , mainPane ]

main : Signal Html
main =
  (Signal.send (.address pickList) Debug.dummyList) -- type error

I feel like all I need is haskell's >>. But these are Signals (which are not Monads), and there is no do notation or >>= \_ -> kind of madness, neither do I see a liftTask. Is the idea that in Elm you need an external input, and cannot send arbitrarily from the perspective of the application? Please help me understand.


  • Answer

    Tasks in Elm 0.15 are executed by sending them through a port. That means that your Task or Signal Task needs to be available at the top-level in the Main module, because that's the only place where you can declare a port. This means that you cannot simply send a message to a mailbox in-line (that would be a side-effect), you'll have to make sure that the task can flow through your program to the port definition.


    import Html             exposing (..)
    import Html.Attributes  exposing (..)
    import Html.Extra       exposing (..)
    import Signal
    import Model.PickList   exposing (pickList)
    import Model.BabyName.Debug as Debug
    headerPane : Html
    headerPane =
      header [ id "header" ]
      [ text "header" ]
    leftPane : Signal Html
    leftPane = flip (.signal pickList) <| \pl ->
      ul []
      [ li []
        [ fromElement << show <| pl ] ]
    mainPane : Html
    mainPane =
      section [ id "main" ]
      [ text "what? what?" ]
    layout : Signal Html
    layout = flip leftPane <| \lp ->
      div [ id "wrapper" ] <|
      [ headerPane
      , lp
      , mainPane ]
    port toPicklist = Signal.send (.address pickList) Debug.dummyList
    main : Signal Html
    main = layout
