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std::cerr doesn't wait for std::cout (when running CTest)

The context

I wrote a logger printing messages for the user. Messages with level "debug", "info" or "warning" are printed in std::cout and messages with level "error" or "system_error" are printed in std::cerr. My program is not multi-threaded. I work under Linux openSUSE 12.3 with gcc 4.7.2 and CMake 3.1.0.

My problem

I discovered that sometimes, when an error message (printed in std::cerr) follows a long information message (printed in std::cout) and when the output is redirected to the file LastTest.log by CTest, the error message appears in the information message (look at the example below). I don't well understand this behaviour but I suppose a writing thread is launched for std::cout, then the code continues and another writing thread is lauched for std::cerr without waiting the first one is terminated.

Is it possible to avoid that without using only std::cout ?

I don't have the problem in the terminal. It only happens when CTest redirect the output to the LastTest.log file.

Note that my buffer is flushed. It's not a problem of std::endl coming after the call to std::cerr !


Expected behaviour :

[ 12:06:51.497   TRACE ] Start test
[ 12:06:52.837 WARNING ] This
[ 12:06:52.837   ERROR ] AT LINE 49 : 7
[ 12:06:52.841   ERROR ] AT LINE 71 : 506
[ 12:06:52.841   TRACE ] End of test

What happens :

[ 12:06:51.497   TRACE ] Start test
[ 12:06:52.837 WARNING ] This
[ 12:06:52.837   ERROR ] AT LINE 49 : 7
[ 12:06:52.841   ERROR ] AT LINE 71 : 506
[ 12:06:52.841   TRACE ] End of test

How I call my logger

Here is an example of how I call std::cout or std::cerr with my logger. I call the logger with maccros like that :

#define LOG_DEBUG(X) {if(Log::debug_is_active()){std::ostringstream o;o<<X;Log::debug(o.str());}}
#define LOG_ERROR(X) {if(Log::error_is_active()){std::ostringstream o;o<<X;Log::error(o.str());}}
LOG_DEBUG("This" << std::endl << "is" << std::endl << "a message");
LOG_ERROR("at line " << __LINE__ << " : " << err_id);


void Log::debug(const std::string& msg)
    Log::write_if_active(Log::DEBUG, msg);
void Log::error(const std::string& msg)
    Log::write_if_active(Log::ERROR, msg);
void Log::write_if_active(unsigned short int state, const std::string& msg)
    Instant now;
    std::vector<std::string> lines;
    for(std::size_t k = 0; k < msg.size();)
        std::size_t next_endl = msg.find('\n', k);
        if(next_endl == std::string::npos)
            next_endl = msg.size();
        lines.push_back(msg.substr(k, next_endl - k));
        k = next_endl + 1;
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(Log::mutex);
    for(unsigned long int i = 0; i < Log::chanels.size(); ++i)
            if(Log::chanels[i]->flags & state)
                Log::chanels[i]->write(state, now, lines);

Here, the log chanel is the object dedicated to terminal output, the write function is :

void Log::StdOut::write(unsigned short int state, const Instant& t, const std::vector<std::string>& lines)
    assert(lines.size() > 0 && "PRE: empty lines");
    std::string prefix =  "[ ";
    if(this->withDate || this->withTime)
        std::string pattern = "";
            pattern += "%Y-%m-%d ";
            pattern += "%H:%M:%S.%Z ";
        prefix += t.toString(pattern);
    std::ostream* out = 0;
    if(state == Log::TRACE)
        prefix += "  TRACE";
        out = &std::cout;
    else if(state == Log::DEBUG)
        prefix += "  DEBUG";
        out = &std::cout;
    else if(state == Log::INFO)
        prefix += "   INFO";
        out = &std::cout;
    else if(state == Log::WARNING)
        prefix += "WARNING";
        out = &std::cout;
    else if(state == Log::ERROR)
        prefix += "  ERROR";
        out = &std::cerr;
    else if(state == Log::SYS_ERROR)
        prefix += "SYERROR";
        out = &std::cerr;
        assert(false && "PRE: Invalid Log state");
    prefix += " ] ";
    (*out) << prefix << lines[0] << "\n";
    prefix = std::string(prefix.size(), ' ');
    for(unsigned long int i = 1; i < lines.size(); ++i)
        (*out) << prefix << lines[i] << "\n";

You can see that my buffer is flushed when the log instruction is executed.


  • Answering my own question

    Finally, it comes from a bug in CMake.

    CTest is not able to manage the order of the two buffers, and then doesn't care about the exact order of the output.

    It will be resolved in CMake >= 3.4.