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OpenCVSharp AccessViolationException in FindCirclesGrid

I'm using OpenCVSharp to run some calibration tests but i can't seem to get FindCirclesGrid to work, i'm getting a really unexpected AccessViolationException when calling FindCirclesGrid.

I'm not sure what i could be doing wrong as the first two line are pretty much exactly as in samples,centers is not initialized as it is an output parameter and everything that is passed down to OpenCV seems to be initialized in OpenCVSharp's wrapper function.

void test()
    Mat im = Cv2.ImRead(@"path_to_my_file.jpg");
    Size patternsize = new Size(11, 4);
    Point2f[] centers;
    var f = Cv2.FindCirclesGrid(im, patternsize, out centers, FindCirclesGridFlag.AsymmetricGrid);

I'm using the latest OpenCVSharp straight from nuget

Edit1 : i forgot to mention this in the question but i have already tried adding the foillowing after FindCirclesGrid to ensure objects weren't wrongly collected before they should, this changed nothing. Also the bug happens just the same in debug and release.



  • I reported a bug at github. It seems to be fixed by now, but I can't test it atm.