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Hibernate query "or condition" won't work

I am trying the following hibernate query but it always gives me a wrong result:

    public List<Jcelulasmin> getAllOthers(int id, String username) {
        Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
        List<Jcelulasmin> JcelulasList = session.createQuery("from Jcelulasmin where and (jconcorrentes is null or jconcorrentes.users.username <> ?) order by id").setParameter(0, id).setString(1, username).list();
        for(Jcelulasmin p : JcelulasList){
  "Jcelulas List::"+p);
        return JcelulasList;

This query returns me 13 values, but that should be the result of "jconcorrentes.users.username <> ?"

The result of "jconcorrentes is null" is 47 values so my query should return 47+13=60...

I'm trying to achieve the following SQL query that actually returns 60 values:

SELECT * FROM `jcelulas` WHERE GrelhasId=1 and (ConcorrentesId is null or ConcorrentesId<>1) is 1 so the sql and hql should be the same

Table/Entitiy definition:

@Table(name = "jconcorrentes", catalog = "7jogos")
public class Jconcorrentes implements {

    private Integer id;
    private Users users;

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "username", unique = true, nullable = false)
    public Users getUsers() {
        return this.users;

    public void setUsers(Users users) {
        this.users = users;

I tried the following and it actually worked:

session.createQuery("from Jcelulasmin where and (jconcorrentes is null or jconcorrentes <> 1) order by id").setParameter(0, id).list();

The only problem is that i have to get it by username which is in Users.


@Table(name = "users", catalog = "7jogos", uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = "username"))
public class Users implements {

@NotEmpty(message="Não se esqueça do Email")
@Email(message="Email Inválido")
private String username;
private Set<Jconcorrentes> jconcorrenteses = new HashSet<Jconcorrentes>(0);

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "users")
    public Set<Jconcorrentes> getJconcorrenteses() {
    return this.jconcorrenteses;

public void setJconcorrenteses(Set<Jconcorrentes> jconcorrenteses) {
    this.jconcorrenteses = jconcorrenteses;


  • Your current query translates to inner join between Jcelulasmin and jconcorrentes (because of jconcorrentes.users.username), thus nulls are excluded. You have to explicitly left join them:

    select j from Jcelulasmin j left join j.jconcorrentes jcon ...