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Using the Yelp api in iOS

I'm still new to programming so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to use the Yelp api in a new app I'm making. I integrated the api using the example project provided by Yelp here: (v2/objective c). My question is how do I access the information that the sample program logs out. It saves it in an NSDictionary but I can't figure out how to access the info so I can for example display the business's phone number in a label in one of my view controllers.



  • You would access the keys and objects just as you would any other NSDictionary, for example in YPAPISample.m:

    - (void)queryTopBusinessInfoForTerm:
              (NSString *)term location:
              (NSString *)location completionHandler:
              (void (^)(NSDictionary *topBusinessJSON, NSError *error))
              completionHandler {
      NSString *phoneNumber = [firstBusiness objectForKey:@"display_phone"];
      NSLog(@"PHONE NUMBER: %@",phoneNumber);


    PHONE NUMBER: +1-415-777-1413