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Bluemix Secure Gateway service, how to perform /v1/sgconfig GET call

The REST API for Secure Gateway has a GET operation located at /v1/sgconfig. It has a single, mandatory parameter: Authorization.

What should the value of this parameter be and where is that value located?

The VCAP_SERVICES environment variables for Secure Gateway only contain org_id and space_id.

The Bluemix Secure Gateway Configuration API documentation is rather sparse!


  • Lokesh,

    The GET /v1/sgconfig call requires the user give either a Bluemix Bearer token or their Bluemix username and password base 64 encoded in the auth header.

    For example, if my org id was AlsOrg, space id was AlsSpace, username was [email protected], and password was password, I could execute this request:

    curl -H "Authorization: Basic YWxleEB1cy5pYm0uY29tOnBhc3N3b3Jk"

    Note: the base urls in the document you linked appear to be incorrect. I will make sure these are updated.

    Also, the org and space IDs should be the GUIDs. You can access these in the URL as query parameters when you log in to Bluemix.