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PHP - Using a Double colon with a class varible

I'm trying to call a static function with a varible name from a class.

The desired outcome:

class Controller extends Controller {
    public $model = 'ModelName';
    public function index() {
        $woot = $this->model::find('');

This works:

$class = 'ClassName';
$object = $class::find($parameters);

This works too:

$class = new Model();
$object = $class::find($params);

I am trying to define the new class name inside the current class, and call find as a static function from the current model. Any ideas how it's possible, without creating a new object, using __set, or declaring a local variable in the function?


  • You can't do that actually. Within a class instance you cannot use $this->var to reference another class. You can, however, assign it to another local variable and have that work

    public function index() {
        $var = $this->model;
        $woot = $var::find('');