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Swift: Declaring a constant in a subclass but still have a reference to it in the superclass?

Let's say you had the class Apple with several subclasses.

class Apple {
  let color = ""

class redDelicious :Apple {
  let color = "Red"

class grannySmith :Apple {
  let color = "Green"

func eatApple (appleToEat: Apple)
  if appleToEat.color == "Red" {
    //do something
  } else if appleToEat.color == "Green"
    //do something else

The problem is that swift won't let me call the "color" property but I want to make sure that's defined in the subclasses. I also want to make sure every apple has a color so that I can call the color property on each sublcass of Apple. What would be the best solution in this case?


  • You could do:

    class Apple {
        let color: String
        init(color: String) {
            self.color = color
    class RedDelicious: Apple {
        init() {
            super.init(color: "Red")

    Or instead, you could use read-only computed properties:

    class Apple {
        var color: String { return "" }
    class RedDelicious: Apple {
        override var color: String { return "Red" }

    If color can only be certain values it may be worth using an enum, for example:

    class Apple {
        enum Color {
            case Red, Green
        let color: Color
        init(color: Color) {
            self.color = color
    class RedDelicious: Apple {
        init() {
            super.init(color: .Red)

    In your eatApple function, you would then do:

    func eatApple (appleToEat apple: Apple) {
        switch apple.color {
            case .Red  : // ...
            case .Green: // ... 