I am using pycuda and i would like to know if there is an equivalent to the function cudaMemcpyToSymbol
I would like to copy a constant from the host to the device like below
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import pycuda.autoinit
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import numpy
from sys import path
from struct import *
from gpustruct import GPUStruct
if __name__ == '__main__':
# list devices
ndevices = cuda.Device.count()
print '{} devices found'.format(ndevices)
for i in xrange(ndevices):
print ' ', cuda.Device(i).name()
# compile device.cu
mod = SourceModule('''
__device__ __constant__ int CONSTd;
struct Results
float *A;
float *B;
float *C;
struct fin
float *N;
__global__ void test(Results *src,fin *dest){
int i=blockIdx.x *blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
kern = mod.get_function("test")
src_gpu = GPUStruct([(numpy.int32,'*A', numpy.ones(10,dtype=numpy.int32)),(numpy.int32,'*B', numpy.ones(10,dtype=numpy.int32)),(numpy.int32,'*C', numpy.zeros(10,dtype=numpy.int32))])
test_gpu = GPUStruct([(numpy.int32,'*N', numpy.array(10*[5],dtype=numpy.int32))])
#something like this:
**cudaMemcpyToSymbol(CONSTd, &CONSTANTE, sizeof(int));**
The PyCUDA implementation directly follows the CUDA driver API, so you can use any driver API code you can find as a model, but there are two things required to make this work:
to retrieve the device pointer to the symbol within the compiled source moduledriver.memcpy_htod
to copy values to that pointer. Note that the PyCUDA APIs require that objects support the Python buffer protocol. In practice this means you should be using numpy.ndarray
or similar on the Python side.This is effectively what cudaMemcpyToSymbol
does under the hood.