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How can I prevent PerlTidy from aligning my assignments?

By default, PerlTidy will line up assignments in my code. E.g.

PerlTidy changes this...

my $red = 1;
my $green = 2;
my $yellow = 3;
my $cyan = 4;

...into this...

my $red    = 1;
my $green  = 2;
my $yellow = 3;
my $cyan   = 4;

How do I prevent this from happening? I've trawled the manual but I can't find a solution.



  • See the discussion of the -aws option (--add-whitespace). By default -aws is enabled. You can alter this behavior using -naws (deleting whitespace is OK, but don't add) or -fws (don't add or delete whitespace). Details here.