I'm looking for the shortcut to enter the date and time of now in Microsoft Navision. I know about 't', which will enter today's date, but that leaves the time-part empty.
So basically: What key goes at the place of the ?
Key Result
't' 06/03/15 00:00:00
? 06/03/15 14:36:28
Note: The exact letter depends on the language of your specific Navision client. In english, the letter is 't'.
Google can be your friend after all. Seems I had to threaten it with a question here first.
As found on KRIKI’S DYNAMICS NAV BLOG the answer is
t t
Quoted from the blog:
Everyone (at least, I think so) knows that you can use ‘t’ (or ‘w’ for workdate) in a datefield to get the current system date. Not everyone knows that you can use ‘t’ in a time field to get the system time. But do you know you can use ‘t t’ to get the current system date + time in a datetime field? The first t is for the date and the second for the time. And you can also use ‘w t’ to have the workdate + system time.