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org-mode built-in table editor on windows

I am using org-mode version 8.2.2 and Emacs 24.2.1 on Windows 7 and have been struggling with the alignment of org-mode tables. Creating a simple table in org-mode using the build in editor gives me an unaligned table

  • unaligned table columns

| first col | second col | third col |

| some text | some other text | some numbers 333 |

| extra text row | extra text | |

| | | |

from my experience with ubuntu I should get aligned columns when I hit tab, as:

* unaligned table columns
| first col      | second col      | third col        |
| some text      | some other text | some numbers 333 |
| extra text row | extra text      |                  |
|                |                 |                  |

The unaligment is persistent in agenda view.

Anyone experienced the same problem and found a solution?


  • if I paste the "unaligned table columns" into notepad++ the columns align in a correct way automatically

    It sounds like you're using a proportional (non-monospaced) font in Emacs.

    org-mode's table alignment is accomplished by adding spaces to cells as necessary, and assumes that all characters have an equal width. If you configure Emacs to use a monospaced font like Consolas, Monaco, or Source Code Pro, your tables should align properly.