I have problem with relative dimensions of the slider container in IE11 (Jssor 18.0).
HTML structure:
The slider works well in Firefox 38 and Chrome 43. In IE11 the following error occurs (well - any IE, I tried IE9, IE10 and IE11):
Cannot scale jssor slider, 'dimension' of 'outer container' not valid. Please specify 'dimension' in pixel. e.g. 'dimension: 600px;
With absolute dimensions, the slider works equally in all browsers.
The question is, can I use relative dimensions of the slider container in IE11?
.npw-banner {
width: 720px;
height: 480px;
.npw-banner .npw-slider-container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<!-- outer div with absolute dimensions -->
<div class="npw-banner">
<!-- slider div with relative dimensions -->
<div id="banner_slider_container" class="npw-slider-container">
<div class="npw-slides" u="slides">...</div>
<div u="navigator" class="npw-navigator">...</div>
Here's the fiddle.
Jssor Slider requries width/height specified in pixels. See the documentation for details - http://www.jssor.com/development/reference-ui-definition.html.
If there's a constraint and the dimensions cannot be specified in pixels, you can use jQuery to compute the absolute values.
var $container = $("#" + containerId);
var containerWidth = $container.width();
var containerHeight = $container.height();