I'm using Sinatra and Slim. I'm trying to work out how to write a helper for Slim so I can DRY-up my templates. (In this case the helper is small and I could get away with in-line Ruby, but in future I would do more complex things).
I have the following helper (expanded for debugging) in the file lib/slim_helpers.rb:
module SlimHelpers
# foo converts strings like 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup'
# to 'Auto Scaling Group'
def foo(input, &block)
last = input.split('::')[-1]
result = last.gsub(/([A-Z])/, ' \1').lstrip
puts "result: #{result}"
yield result
I have the following (simplified) Sinatra app:
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'slim'
require_relative 'lib/slim_helpers.rb'
class SinatraApp < Sinatra::Base
include SlimHelpers
get '/' do
puts '==> in /'
@result = Bar.bar('dev')
slim :qux
In my template, I have the following piece of code:
- result.resources.each do |r|
div class="list-group"
div class="list-group-item active"
h5 class="list-group-item-heading"
= foo r["ResourceType"]
However, I'm getting the following error when I render the webpage:
LocalJumpError at /some/url
no block given (yield)
file: slim_helpers.rb location: foo line: 9
/Path/lib/slim_helpers.rb in foo
yield result
/Path/views/asg.slim in block (3 levels) in singleton class
= foo r["ResourceType"]
... etc
So I'm wondering what would be the block here, and how I would pass input to, and return results from, my foo
You don’t need a block at all, simply return the string and it will be included at that point in your template:
def foo(input)
last = input.split('::')[-1]
result = last.gsub(/([A-Z])/, ' \1')
puts "result: #{result}"
result # or 'return result' if you prefer
As an aside, with Sinatra you would usually use helpers SlimHelpers
rather than include SlimHelpers
(although helpers
is implemented by simply calling include