I'm trying to use the Kendo UI Autocomplete control with server filtering, but have run into a problem.
While my callback function appears to pull the correct text from the form, it consistently passes a null to the controller method. I can't see any significant way in which my code differs from the sample code. I have verified that the JavaScript is called, and that the desired controller method is being invoked. The latter is simply not receiving the value from the JavaScript method.
What am I missing?
.cshtml source:
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:250px" })
.DataSource(source => {
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("AutocompleteCustomer", "Autocomplete")
function onAdditionalData() {
return {
text: $("#CustomerIdAutocomplete").val()
Controller method:
public ActionResult AutocompleteCustomer(string term)
InformixRepository informixRepository = new InformixRepository();
IList<AutocompleteCustomer> customers = informixRepository.GetMatchingCustomerIds(term);
return Json(customers, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Repository Method:
public IList<AutocompleteCustomer> GetMatchingCustomerIds(string text)
.... content omitted because "text" is already null at this point
This should fix it:
function onAdditionalData() {
return {
term: $("#CustomerIdAutocomplete").val()
Whatever you use in the JavaScript needs to be the same as your parameter of your action, which you called term
public ActionResult AutocompleteCustomer(string term)
InformixRepository informixRepository = new InformixRepository();
IList<AutocompleteCustomer> customers = informixRepository.GetMatchingCustomerIds(term);
return Json(customers, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);