I am working on migrating JHipster to Yeoman 0.20.1, in order to prepare for Yeoman 1.0.
At the end of our process, we normally:
npm install
and bower install
grunt wiredep
This has always worked, and here is the current code that runs the installation process.
Since I migrated to Yeoman 0.20.1, we still have:
function being calledI'm all done. Running npm install & bower install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.
But in fact no installation happens! NPM and Bower do not install anything, and our Grunt task is not called. Note that if I call them manually, they work correctly.
If tried to debug this, and it looks like this method is not being called.
Can anybody help me on this issue?
I feel like the run loop might be done after the end
event is triggered. installDependencies
schedule install methods to be runned during the install
priority. If the run loop is done, they won't run.
You should be able to just call installDependencies
at any time and not worry about the end
event callback. If you want to imitate the behavior you currently have, then call installDependencies
inside a method called end
As a side note on the installDependencies API, you don't need to manually specify skipInstall
anymore (that's now automatic).