I recently took over a small school website that was using some really convoluted analytics like a mix of UA and GA. So I stripped out all of the old analytics code, made a new account, and got everything running with UA. I'm only tracking link clicks so the code isn't too complicated. The issue I'm having is that links that lead to pop-ups don't send an event. When I watch the events in real time, links that lead to a new page send events perfectly, but links that just cause a pop-up don't. In the following snippet, the first link leads to another page and tracks, the second one generates a pop-up and doesn't track.
<td class="tableCenterBoxes">
<a href="http://bit.ly/nutritionCalculator"
onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'quickLinks', 'nutritionCalculator');">
Nutrition Calculator
<td class="tableCenterBoxes">
<a href="popups/ClubsAndOrganizationsFall2015.pdf"
rel="clearbox[gallery=Resources,,width=650,,height=500,,title=Clubs and Organizations]"
onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'quickLinks', 'clubsAndOrganizations');">
Clubs and Organizations
I have no idea why this is happening so any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I see you use some clearbox plugin and this plugin is setted up by rel parameter. After page load, the script inside clearbox sets up event listeners onto each rel=clearbox param and sets its new behavior. It probably unbind previous onclick elements like your GA code. This is a problem and you can try to solve it in a few different ways.
Set up this onclick listener by javascript after page loads with some delay - e.g. 1-2 seconds after onload. This just adds one more onclick event to existing configuration in your pop-up link with ClearBox.
The Clearbox library has some callback functions.
CB_AllowExtFunctLoad='on' calls a function CB_ExternalFunctionLoad(); every time after a new content has loaded. In this function you can have you customized ga("send"...) calls...
CB_AllowExtFunctPageLoad='on' calls a function named CB_ExternalFunctionPageLoad(); after your page has fully loaded. This is right place to set up your customized event listeners globally.
You can read more in clearbox documentation in section: Clearbox professional settings: http://kreaturamedia.com/clearbox/index_en.html
Event listeners setted by you can looks like (jQuery example):
<a href="popups/ClubsAndOrganizationsFall2015.pdf"
rel="clearbox[gallery=Resources,,width=650,,height=500,,title=Clubs and Organizations]"
Clubs and Organizations
var CB_AllowExtFunctPageLoad = function(){
$(".tableCenterBoxes a").onclick(function(){
var desc = $(this).attr("data-description");
ga('send', 'event', 'quickLinks', desc);
function CB_ExternalFunctionLoad() {
var classname = document.getElementsByClassName("popup");
var gaSetter = function() {
var cat = this.getAttribute("data-category");
var desc = this.getAttribute("data-description");
ga('send', 'event', cat, desc);
for(var i=0;i<classname.length;i++){
classname[i].addEventListener('click', gaSetter, false);